Dumb Data: Why Simple is Better

The color attributes of wine are as varied as people...they’re like individual personalities

The color attributes of wine are as varied as people...they’re like individual personalities

 (2-minute read)

Have you ever cursed at an inainimate object? Like that piece of wood you screamed at when missing the nail and hitting your thumb....sure, we all have and we all know that yelling at the wood did not and could not drive the nail nor relive the pain in our thumb.

When you think about it, this is exactly what we do when trusting social platforms or web analytics  to market our products for us and then being dissatisfied by the results.  Making consumer data practical and effective is really much simpler...but by no means is it “simple”.  This is one of the areas I believe we as marketers and sales professionals err: we try to oversimplify and in turn we end up making things unnecessarily complicated.

Results oriented marketers want to drill down to what works without having to become “data scientists”, which is precisely what I believe the objective should be: teach how to resource exacting/useful data about our consumers and then point our businesses to the exact consumer targets we are interested in.

I’m a winemaker by trade now for 30+ years so what I want is exactly what you want (whether you are or are not in the wine trade!): to identify with greater accuracy the consumers who my brands resonate to....and let’s face it, demography is only either ‘single ingredient’ data or only a few components of a human ‘recipe’ (this is where the term ‘psychographic’ comes in).

Furthermore, talking about ‘analytics’ exacerbates what I need to be simple....or as simple as it can be made and still be useful in a complex business environment.


Although the term ‘segmentation’ is used to identify ‘groups’ of interests or historic habits (such as ‘Event Attendees’ or ‘Consumers with X birthday dates’ or ‘Chardonnay purchasers’, the use here in this article (and chart above) refers to Nationally Mappable Consumer segments that are simple to identify, build marketing campaigns to cater to and to locate where they live-work-and-Shop for ‘Go-to-Market’ implementation.

Psychographic ‘recipes’ are the beginning of answering the “who” of consumer targeting.

Psychographic ‘recipes’ are the beginning of answering the “who” of consumer targeting.

Once you identify your ‘people recipes’ those recipe attributes can then be built into specific campaign materials to be used over and over again tweaking for the time of year, the specific ‘micro-data’ of a birthday or anniversary or holiday......but that’s just the beginning.!

First: Combined with the specific data that you may already have in your POS system or CRM, this information can now be personalized to the exact ‘segments’ you are mailing to or narrowed into communications that are relevant to the people you are speaking to.

Second: Using specific nationally mappable segmetation systems gives you a world of opportunity that you never before imagined (unless you have had access to historically large budget intelligence....which 98% of us Have Not).

Call or e-mail me at 209.625.6339 or info@wineconceptsintl.com and I will give you the short explanation of how to make what the “analytics” gurus make sound complicated and simplify your consumer identification process.